Webkinz World and learning
Webkinz World is a great place to learn and play!
  • Your child can learn lots of fun facts at Quizzy's. The questions at Quizzy's are age-appropriate, and most are educationally based.
  • We also have several arcade games that promote learning:
    • Lunch Letters helps children to learn how to type and spell
    • Quizzy's Word Challenge aids in spelling
    • Operation Gumball encourages children to think logically
  • Webkinz Newz and the W Tales encourage reading, and our many contests encourage writing, creativity, and problem-solving.
  • Your child can learn about money in Webkinz World; by earning KinzCash, your child learns how to save and spend money.
  • Webkinz World also helps to teach children about responsibility, caring for a pet, and getting along with others.

Webkinz World is getting better and better all the time.
We hope you and your child will come on in and play!